Airbus A380-800, the not so new flying elephant (Winter 2016)

So, here is another workhorse of German airline Lufthansa! The old Jumbo Jet is being replaced by the new flying elephant – the Airbus A380-800.

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Parked and ready for next trip

The size of this aircraft is mindblowing and the idea that it can move between 500 – 800 people is also amazing.

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It is really big…

The Airbus corporation answer to the Boenig’s 747 came somehow late. The 380 appeared in serial production in late 2006 and there are almost 200 of them flying around.

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Rolls-Royce Trent 970 engines

The 380 is a natural beauty but it has its requirements – not all airports can take its size. 🙂BLOG5472 x 36487046

I provided the links to the websites discussing the Airbus A380-800 – Lufthansa and Wikipedia.

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One of 4 Rolls-Royce Trent 970 jets

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